International Maritime Health Association (IMHA) position paper on Oxygen on board ships:
在当前的气候下, ICS正在努力支持我们的会员, 更广泛的航运界和全球贸易受到 providing guidance, recommendations and information 为船东、海员和政府服务.
To 帮助保护健康 海员和乘客, 以及普通大众, International Chamber of Shipping ensures that best practice regarding Coronavirus (新型冠状病毒肺炎) is available.
越来越多的人 指导文件 以及包括翻译成法语的海报, Arabic and Spanish are available to download for free, plus best practices for completing the pre-transfer conference, 和互动版本的 船舶/岸上安全检查表.
阅读更多 about how we are supporting the shipping industry and find useful links to further resources below.
International Maritime Health Association (IMHA) position paper on Oxygen on board ships:
International Maritime Health Association (IMHA) interim position paper on Vaccination of seafarers against 新型冠状病毒肺炎:
International Maritime Organization (IMO) circulars, statements, advice and useful links:
Video providing guidance and information on managing the mental health of seafarers during the pandemic:
Wilhelmsen Ships Service interactive map on current port restrictions:
Free online 新型冠状病毒肺炎 tracker tool helping shipowners, 租船人, operators and other maritime groups track country and port specific advice around the world, also detailing the measures being put in place in response to the pandemic:
关于当前最佳做法的指导, the industry’s collective recommendations to governments, 并定期更新有用信息:
清晰的 & 关于新型冠状病毒肺炎疫苗接种的实用建议 for seafarers and shipping companies is available now. 观看视频了解更多信息. 感谢所有的海员和 陆上团队制作了这段视频.
Watch and share the film about our #HeroesAtSea campaign, highlighting the #crewchangecrisis and the need for governments to take action.
The 2020 Annual Review covers the impact of 新型冠状病毒肺炎 and the intensifying crew change crisis plus a broad cross-section of such as efforts to decarbonise shipping and the USD 5 billion industry fund to accelerate the R&零碳技术的D.